Asset Portfolio Analysis
the mix of customers, technology and the physical environment
Once ParkScience understands an asset owners goals for their car park, we can select the best options to achieve thos targets. Analysis is done on a site by site level breaking down the business into each product that is offered to customers, how it is priced, where they park within the car park and the technology that provides them with access.At an operational level we look at the most efficient way to run the business and how to minimise those key expenses including Parking Levies.
ParkScience can examine the best structure for the carparks operation - owner operator, leased or managed. For larger portfolios with multiple sites it is essential that standardised reporting and commercial agreements are put in place.
Data is king - make sure that you have what you need to understand the business that sits behind the asset. ParkScience can provide expert analysis and advice to extract useable insights from the data.