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August 2017

Autonomous Vehicles

autonomous driving car

The most common question I have from clients and business contacts is about autonomous vehicles and their impact on the parking industry. This includes the physical assets as well as operational businesses. Views range from severe disruption to parking operators (in the same way Uber has disrupted taxis) to opportunities for owners of large centralized assets (such as airports) to create their own mobility businesses.

Remember the hype on take up of electric vehicles? President Obama predicted in 2011 there would be a million electric vehicles on US roads by 2015. The actual number (despite massive rebates and tax incentives) was only 300,000. Closer to home the Australian Energy Market Commission (in 2012) expected 20% of all new cars would be an electric vehicle by the end of the decade. In 2016 just 219 were sold – or about 0.00019% of the 1.15 million cars sold. A lot of catch up footy to get to 240,000 sales by 2020.

So where are we in the autonomous driving evolution in 2017?

You can read the full Autonomous Vehicles story here…